All shipments are shipped via UPS or FedEx. If your company has a shipping account you can provide us with your number and we will ship on your account. Milestones charges the basic published rates and the default shipping method is Ground.
We appreciate your business and are grateful that you are collaborating with us in our mission to help companies better recognize their employees. If you have any further concerns, please reach out to us via chat or email.
- Please confirm the details of your order before submitting.
- Orders cannot be canceled and modified once placed.
We guarantee 100% satisfaction with every item you purchase. If you are not completely satisfied with an item in your order, please return the item to us in resalable condition for a refund. Customers mustt return their items within 30 days of purchase.
Regarding any damaged items: If you receive any items that are damaged please save the box it was shipped in.
To return an item in good selling condition please mail your original item in re-saleable condition along with a copy of the packing slip or invoice to:
Milestones: Returns Department
1520 South York Rd
Gastonia, NC 28052
If the item is in re-saleable condition, we will issue a refund. Be sure to include a copy of the packing slip and/or the invoice for proper and timely credit.
If you do not have a copy of the original packing slip, reach out to our customer service team via the chat on the home page of our website or email to obtain one.
If your return is not the result of our error, the shipping cost of the returned item will be your responsibility. Once we receive the item in re-saleable condition, we will begin processing the refund for your original purchase. Please allow our warehouse time to process and review the state of the items returned, and all approved returns will be refunded within 30 days of the date they were received.