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Creating a System of Care within a Company

By: The Milestones Content Team

The employees engagement has become the real deal in the business world over the past decade, many companies are adopting formal employee engagement policies, using measurement tools to measure employee engagement, and some even appointing in brief, the term "employee engagement" (EE) is the concept of business management used to illustrate how an employee is "engaged" with an organization, its commitment to that organization and its satisfaction with your organization role. However, I believe that the term "employee engagement" refers not only to how the employee feels but also to how the employer refers to an employee.

In general, I encourage employers to consider their employees as "colleagues" because they promote the spirit of compromise within a company or organization, but for the purposes of this article, I will respect the words "employer". And "employee". "For a simple reference.

There was a direct correlation between employee engagement and employee retention. Employers and employee have realized that staff retention must measure and determine the level of employee satisfaction within their organization. According to the Human Resources Management Company, replacing employees with $ 8 per hour can cost up to $ 3,500. In addition to the business development perspective, the company is encouraged to use employee engagement as a valuable tool to maintain low turnover.

Outside the financial point of view, companies that there are other valuable benefits to employee engagement, such as retention of talent within the company, greater retention customer and a better level of customer service. It can also have a positive impact on the level of productivity and can even reduce the absence rate. All of these examples are extremely positive results that can be achieved when the company decides to put more emphasis on the importance of employee engagement.

Making Use of Employee Engagement In Their Own Organization

There are many ways you can include employee engagement strategy in your business, but there are three things you can start now that can make a major impact tomorrow. If you can actively integrate employee engagement strategy into your organization and develop these processes, you should start seeing results in a few months. This will help you design your long-term employee engagement strategy. A major challenge will be measuring the level of employee engagement in your organization. It’s not like a sales number. It’s not like a PTO, its an intangible that is naturally harder to quantify. Employee engagement is more about the quality of work than the quantity of work.  

Conduct a Staff Survey

Initially, you should ask your staff to participate in a survey. This should be something relatively simple that attempts to measure staff morale and satisfaction. Depending on your organization, you may want to do it anonymously because your staff will generally be more honest and feel empowered to speak freely. An anonymous survey allows a staffer to answer the survey without risking their own position or management’s perception of them. Keep the survey as clear as possible and focus as much as you can on positive language. This is the first step that will involve your employees in the conversation and it’s a conversation that companies must have today.

Take the Necessary Steps To Improve Things

When you are armed with the results of the survey, you will immediately discover the areas in which you need to focus. While it may not be financially viable or possible to give everyone an increase or bonus, try to find other ways to compensate for the performance of your staff. Remember: Increased productivity and improved levels of customer service have two potential benefits for employee engagement. It is therefore important to invest in your employees to improve their commitment within the company. There are other ways to invest in our staff without providing financial incentives, such as giving a "bonus day" to employees who are doing well and who is not absent due to illness.

You may also need to study the processes within your organization, the structure of your organization, and the lines of communication. There are individual issues that will be found by the survey and there are system issues that will be found by the survey. Some processes or internal operational systems may need to be redesigned. 

Learn how to effectively control your employee's behavior

A committed and satisfied employee will do a whole range of recognizable things. They will take on headaches for you and become problem solvers in the organization. Rather than someone who will point out the problem without a proactive effort to fix it or a creative proposal of how to fix it. If your employees are emotionally and intellectually committed to your organization, they will keep a positive demeanor about their work that will rub off on others on the team. They will do the work well and will do so with happiness. They will strive to achieve their best personal and professional performance and will remain committed to achieving a high level of productivity. These employees make the company’s mission their own. When this happens the organization changes for the better. It something that is championed from the ground up, rather than something pushed down from the top. These engaged employees will remain in the organization in which they work and will remain interested. They will increase customer satisfaction, productivity, profitability and they will elevate the overall mood of the business environment. Employee engagement is an intangible that permeates through every branch of an organization. It is never too late to increase employee engagement in an organization, but it needs to start sometime – so why not today?

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